Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Manila - Ho Chi Min - Phnom Phen Route

My angel from HCM to PP

My first trip to Cambodia was full of excitement and surprises. Months before I traveled I received God's assurance that He will be with me all the way. And indeed in every step of my way, His provision and guidance was so wonderful beyond my human mind could imagine.

I contacted a friend who is based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and I also did a lot of research in the net on how to get to Cambodia via Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. As I sat in the NAIA terminal together with other passengers, one thing I realized in my notes was that I needed someone to help me in order to avoid communication breakdown both with the Vietnamese and the Cambodians.

While waiting for our flight schedule at the NAIA terminal, I scouted from among the passengers bound for Ho Chi Minh if I could find one who can assist me in my travel up to Phnom Penh. I noticed that the passengers were busy on their own that I found it awkward to ask for help or assistance.

So, I prayed again, “Lord, I entrust to You my trip to Cambodia.”

As we boarded the plane at around 11:30PM, I saw this young man walking beside me and I casually asked him where his destination was. He politely told me that he’s going to Cambodia. After that we went to our assigned seats.

When we landed at the Ho Chi Minh International Airport in Vietnam at around 1AM (Vietnam Time is an hour behind the Philippines) we were greeted with taxi drivers offering to take us downtown for about US$20.  I looked around for another offer as I read in the various reviews that the reasonable charge from HCM airport to the downtown area should only be around US$6-US$7. As I turned around to look for another offer, I again met the young man (his name is Chris) whom I asked earlier in our flight.

At the center is Chris-- my angel from HCM Airport to the Bus Terminal and the other guy is the Indonesian guy who offered to change our US$ to Vietnamese Dong
So, I asked him if we could go ride together in a taxi and share the charge. He advised that we stay and leave by 5:30AM because it was still too early to go to the bus terminal. As we chatted together, an Indonesian national joined us and was the one who offered to exchange our dollar to Vietnamese Dong so that we can pay Dong to the taxi driver instead of US$.

Silently, I thanked God for providing me these two gentlemen. We left the airport together at 5:30AM up to the bus terminal and then we parted our ways. The Indonesian went to look for a hotel and Chris went to ride another bus company.

I bought a bus ticket and left HCM at exactly 7AM with no other familiar face anywhere. I noticed that the roaming TM number I brought did not work in Vietnam. Deep in my thoughts I wonder how I could communicate with my friend in Phnom Penh. I ventured to chat with my seat mate if he can understand and speak English. And God provided me a seat mate who was able to communicate with me and even lend me his cell phone so that I could contact my friend in Phnom Penh.

God is so good!... and His provision is boundless. Until now, I kept on thanking and praising God for the wonderful ways He did in ordering every step of my way on my first trip to Cambodia.

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