Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I Came so that You may have Abundant Life

John 10:10
by Rev. Raul S. Nejudne

A. God Gave Us an Abundant and Happy Life

What is an abundant and happy life?

Is abundant life defined by money? Or by Luxurious living? Or Influence and Power?

So many people would like to confine their definition of abundant life in money, luxury with power and influence.

But the question is: If money, luxury and power are the only measure of a happy and abundant life, why is it that there are so many rich and influential people who committed suicide?

I browsed the internet and searched for the names of the rich and famous who committed suicides.

I find the names of Prince Alfred of Edinburgh (1899); George Washington Adams (1829)—the eldest son of John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States; Edward Howard Armstrong (1954)—an American electrical engineer and the inventor. He has been called “the most prolific and influential inventor in radio history.

I also found the names of Pierre Beregovoy, (1993) – a French Prime Minister; Mary Kay Bergman (1999)—American Voice Actress; Brutus, (42 BC) Roman Politician, the assassin of Julius Caesar; Cleopatra (30 BC) Queen of Egypt; and so many names we can't possibly include in our list here.

There was an article I read in the internet before that says, “…those who achieved all the worldly success they ever wanted to achieve without achieving happiness and satisfaction, would conclude that nothing will ever make them happy. In response, they seek oblivion in drugs and death(http://chrisyeh.blogspot.com/2011/01/reason-rich-famous-commit-suicide.html)

Now, if money, luxury and power cannot give us the assurance of an abundant and happy life, where can we find a guaranteed source of abundant and happy life?

Jesus gave us the assurance that in Him we can find life in abundance. 

In the gospel of John, Jesus said in chapter 10:7, “… I am telling you the truth: I am the gate of the sheep …” and continues in v.10b by saying, “… I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

B.  God Designed Mankind To Be Fruitful

What do you see in this picture?

Most of you can only see seeds.

But if we will look beyond what our eyes can see in the picture, we can also see life and possibilities.

If these seeds will be planted in the soil, chances are: it will grow and develop leaves, then it will become a seedling, a small tree, and then becomes a growing tree and soon it will mature and will bear its own fruits... with seeds.

When God created mankind, He said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1:28)

In other words, God designed mankind to be fruitful.


Jesus told His disciples that “...you did not choose Me , but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain…” (John 15:16)

It’s good to remember that Jesus choose and appointed us that we should go… and bear fruit, not just any kind of fruit but fruits that should remain. In Contemporary English Version the term used was “fruit that will last.” In Today’s English Version, the term used is “fruit that endures.”

What are these fruits that would remain or last or endures? Fruits that would remain or last means fruits or results in our lives that would continue beyond our lifetime.

So many people labor for the wealth of this world: money, luxury and power. The Bible tells us that all things in this world are meant to be destroyed by fire in the end. 

In the second epistle of St. Peter he asked the early believers saying, "...knowing that all things we see shall be destroyed by fire, what kind of people should we be?" Then he said, “…your lives should be holy and devoted to God.” (2Pet 3:10,11 Easy-to-Read Version). The Apostle Paul, on the other hand, admonished the Corinthian Christians that they should not focus on the things that are seen but on the things that are unseen because the things that can be seen lasts only for a time, but what cannot be seen lasts forever. (2Cor 4:18)

Back to Jesus' admonition to His disciples in John 15:4, 5. It is noteworthy to remember this very important principle on bearing fruits. Jesus admonished His disciples by saying, “Remain united to me, and I will remain united with you. A branch cannot bear fruit by itself; it can do so only if it remains in the vine. In the same way you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me… those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me.”

This admonition continues to speak to us today.  We need to remember this: God made each one of us to become fruitful. If we are to become what God wanted us to become, then we need to always remain united with Jesus.

C. God Made Us With A Purpose!

The Bible tells us that God has been at work since the beginning of time to fulfill His own purpose. God spoke through the Prophet Isaiah saying, “I am God, and there is no other; I am God and there is none like me… I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” (Isaiah 46:9b-10)

God's purpose to those whom He chose will stand... and for sure it will come to pass.

Do you believe that in our present conditions we can be fruitful?
Of course the answer is a very big Yes! If we can fulfill what God intended us to become, then we will become fruitful in whatever condition and position we are.

Jesus is the best example for us. 

He lived a life being a carpenter’s son and died in the cross in His prime. Yet up on the cross when He received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished, and He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.  (John 19:30)

Now, let us examine how the biblical writers describe Jesus’ life here on earth. 

In Philippians 2:8-11, the Apostle Paul said, “He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death—his death on the cross. For this reason God raised him to the highest place above and gave him the name that is greater than any other name. And so, in honor of the name of Jesus all beings in heaven, on earth, and in the world below will fall on their knees, and all will openly proclaim that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Because Jesus fulfilled the very purpose of His coming here on earth, God gave Him the honor that all beings will openly proclaim that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father. 

That was how fruitful He was on His short stay here on earth.

By the world’s standard, Jesus was very far from being fulfilled. He died in a dreadful and tragic death that most people on His days would despise. Yet in God’s eyes His death was the very reason for His coming to earth. That was why up in the cross, Jesus said, “It is finished!”


What about us?

Do we know the purpose for which God has created us?

Well, Jesus told us that He chose us so that we should go and bear fruit that will last. I believe that we need to reflect and ask ourselves if we are fulfilling the very purpose of being chosen.

If ever, at some point in time, we have some reservations on the condition of our faith journey, we need to ask God for His direction. James tells us that God is generous and gracious to all who asks Him. But James also warns us that when we ask God's direction, we need to ask Him in faith and not doubt. For whoever doubts in asking God cannot expect to receive anything from Him. (James 2:5-8)

So beginning today, we need to look forward on what God will do through us. He has already given each one of us a seed or seeds that should be used wisely for His honor and glory. Knowing that His purpose and intention will stand until it find its fulfillment, we can run the race with confidence that there is nothing in this world nor the world above or below can stop what God has started in us.

We may look poor, pitiful and wanting in the eyes of the people around us but know, my brothers and sisters, that there is already that source of abundant life that flows in each one of us. That is the very reason why Jesus came.

Let us all face the coming years of service to our Lord with great hope and enthusiasm knowing that one day our lives will eventually fulfill God’s purpose. Let us work together and live a happy and abundant life as God designed us to become.



This message was delivered during the 4th Church Anniversary of Trinity Christian Fellowship at Phnom Penh, Cambodia on May 12, 2013. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Tale of The Comfort Rooms

One of the outreaches of Trinity Christian Fellowship (TCF) is in the Doem Sleing District of Phnom Phen. Resident of this district are known to be poor in hygiene and sanitation. TCF staff who goes to the community for their feeding and Bible Study programs often complain of the disturbing smell which are obviously from human waste.

Waste everywhere.

When I came to Phnom Phen in January, Rev. Sam Pacha, Pastor of TCF shared with me the need for a community toilet in this district. He asked me to prepare a plan for a community toilet. When I came back to PP, I prepared another plan. This time for the Doem Sleing District. Ptr Sam wanted to present this project to a group of students from the Singapore Management University visiting the Hope Learning Center, an educational assistance ministry pioneered by Pastor Sam.

These Singaporean students visited the Doem Sleing District in the past and gave similar observation of foul odor. Pastor Pacha told them that they, too, had been suffering from this stench since the time TCF started to minister in the area. He also shared to the group their prayer for God to send somebody or a group of people who would provide a community toilet even just to serve the children and some of the church members living nearby.

The Singaporean team with the locals.

And God answered the prayer of the church.

Just in time of my arrival in Phnom Penh, the fund for the toilet was ready and I was asked to handle the project.

The church explored to build the toilet in the houses of one of their members in the Doem Sleing District who readily agreed with a request that their floor would also be repaired. They had been praying for some time already that somebody would help them repair their flooring because it was no longer safe. They shared to the church their prayer concerns especially that the rainy season is fast approaching.

Indeed, God is a God who listens to the pleas of His children.

The bed is the spot where the toilets were constructed.

As an engineer, my first struggle was to decide what kind of material to be used to suit to the requirement of the project. I do not know the place and I do not know the language. So I asked Pastor Sam to give me somebody who can help me look around and do canvassing of materials that we can use for the project.


Since the toilet would be constructed inside the house and it needed to be finished in one week because the SMU students would like to do the ceremonial opening, I decided to use steel pipes with concrete flooring. I also have to use a squat type toilet bowl because most Cambodians are comfortable using the squat type than conventional toilet bowl.

Doing the canvassing, buying the materials needed and communicating with the construction workers was really an extra challenge for me. Google sketchup software proved to be handy and useful in drawing a 3D presentation to the workers and even to some material suppliers and to the people who helped me in the process.

It was happy day as dedicated the toilets to the Lord.

During the 5-days work, I always ask God to help me communicate with whomever I get in touch with who do not know either English or the language we use in the construction.  Despite our deficiencies God has empowered us to finish the project, to repair the damaged flooring and a roof extension for the feeding program and Bible study session. The Lord has His own way of filling up every shortcomings we have at hand.
Now their flooring is safer.

In all these things, language was never a hindrance. To God be the glory and honor forever and ever. Amen.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Fresh Challenge ...

Ministering in a foreign land with a different ministry setting will always pose a great challenge to a neophyte missionary. Such is the challenge I am facing right now as I start my volunteer work in Cambodia.

When I visited Cambodia last Jan 28-Feb 11 this year, I knew God will send me back that I may share the opportunity of an abundant life from God through Christ Jesus (John 10:10b).

I came back to Cambodia last April 29 with an expectant and excited heart. I thank God because before I left the Philippines, so many brethren in faith uplifted me and my entire family in prayer.  It gave me the confidence that Jesus will always be with us as He promised. He said, “Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples... and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world” Matt. 28:18-20.

It is so wonderful to know that God had already prepared everything even before I made a decision to come. While the major hindrance in ministering in a foreign land is language and cultural barriers. In my case, God provided me with partners who are just as excited as I am in working together here in Cambodia. My partners helped me a lot to connect to people whom I can minister even if I still have the difficulty in both the language and cultural barriers. 

Nothing is Wasted

My engineering skills gave me the privilege to connect with people here and their communities. While I am called a “pastor” here, but I find myself initially connecting with people using my engineering skills.

I am presently staying with Rev. Samuel Pacha and family in their Hope Learning Center (HLC). Rev Pacha is also the founding pastor of Trinity Christian Fellowship (TCF). Rev. Pacha is a retired minister of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP). He and his family are now based in Phnom Phen.

New Opportunities:

Here are few of the ministries I did since I arrived in Cambodia:
  1. Help in the construction of the Children’s Home at Takeo Province. I helped to design this two storey building when I joined a team in January from Engineering Ministries International (EMI)  through the “Remember Nhu” organization prepare a master plan to help at risk children in the area. The Children’s Home will become a “home” of the children they rescued and a venue to train them become responsible leaders in the future. I was the Structural Engineer of Team. The construction started during the first week of May. Here is a video that I created when the project started.
  2. Prepare a plan for a common toilet in a community where some members of the TCF live. Improve the rooftop of the HLC to make it become productive with vegetables. We bought clay pots and seeds  of “ampalaya” and “upo” to start Rev. Pacha’s dream project. We hope and pray that  this project would encourage the members of the church to start making their surroundings become productive by planting vegetables using pots and other media that are available in their community. We have observed that most of them are not fond of thinking other means to improve their conditions other than working very hard to earn from garbage collection. We intend to share them the produce of the project and encourage them to plant vegetables with the hope that people around their community will also do the same. 
  3.  Pastor Sam and I have also started to make Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ). This solution is a good source for organic plant  fertilizer. I learned to make FPJ from my training-seminar in Natural Farming System through Mr. Andry Lim of the Tribal Missions Fellowship, Inc. in Davao City. We are also looking forward to make Oriental Herb Nutrients (OHN), an organic pest and disease control for plants. We desired to share to the community the Natural Farming System ways of raising vegetable garden.
Prayer Items:
  1. Seed money for a small project to sell mango shake and other fruit shakes to school or centers near TCF. The long-term project here is to establish a marketing strategy for a 500-mango tree plantation of Sonny’s father-in-law. Sonny is one of the members of the TCF. We want to start with small but tangible ways of income generating projects for the TCF members to see and hopefully apply in their lives. 
  2. Core people whom we can trust and train for this project.
  3. Training needs on Basic hygiene and grooming for the TCF-HLC and the neighborhood.
  4. For God to continue to supply all my needs according to His riches and glory.
  5. Discerning and obedient heart to do the will of the One who sent me.
  6. For God to make it possible for Gladys to join me here in Cambodia by July.
  7. Good health of all family members. With Gladys and I in Cambodia, we will soon be happily scattered as Kim and JJ go back to Silliman to study and Nikka and Keanny will stay in Tacloban.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

EMI Team On Remember Nhu Project

It had been a great pleasure and privilege to have joined the Engineering Ministries International (EMI) who helped the Remember Nhu Organization prepare a master plan for a self sustaining community that would support at least two Children’s home in Takeo, Cambodia.

Remember Nhu is an organization that is “committed to preventing the exploitation of children in the sex trade industry throughout the world by meeting the physical, educational, emotional, and spiritual needs of at-risk children before the nightmare of the sex trade ever becomes reality. Remember Nhu's approach is to help one child at a time, one family and in doing so, one village at a time. Over 90% of their children have become Christians.

When I received the EMI Newsletter some time in middle of December 2012, I thought that it was already one of the best times to join an engineering-related mission team to bless other nations. I emailed the team leader – Matt Hood – telling him that I was interested to join the team to go to Cambodia. After a few email exchanges, my inclusion to the team was formally finalized.
While my trip to Cambodia was full of surprises and provisions from God, my experience as a member of the EMI team has given me joy and fulfilment inasmuch as I become part of a very understanding and cooperative team.
Standing Left to Right-- Jim, Jackie, Brittney, Matt, Dave, Dan, Jennifer; Bent forward-- Ashley; Kneeling: Sophal, John, Todd, and Me (Raul)
Matt Hood – our team leader is a very soft spoken architect and well organized whose experience and expertise in leading an EMI team was acknowledged by all of us.

John Pries – a pastor and the ministry representative of the Remember Nhu Project; a straightforward person who shared to us wonderful reflections every time we had our team devotions. He also made sure to support our needs as we worked together in Takeo.

Brittany Williams – an EMI Architecture Intern whom I called – “my sister from another mother”—is a person whom everyone loves. Her smile and sweet voice... and the occasional giggles made everyone happy. One of my friends had mistakenly identified her as Venus Williams in one of the photos that was posted in Facebook.

Ashley Rose – the closest buddy of Brittany who can also sing sweetly, praising and worshipping God in our team devotions. Pastor John told her that she has a heart for missions. She was one of the Civil Volunteers who took care of the various testing, sampling and surveying in the site.

Jim Bushee – another Civil Volunteer who partnered with Ashley in the civil engineering tasks of the team. He was always ready to crack some jokes that made our mood became light and easy despite the hectic schedule we had.  Jim told me he treasured some of the points I shared in our team devotions.

Dan Wells – my architect partner who did a wonderful and sensible space planning for the Children’s Home. He is good and fast even if he did not feel physically well during his stay in Cambodia. I love the way he managed the 3D presentation using Sketch Up software. I would love to work with him again if ever we still have a chance to work together in one of EMI mission trips.

Jennifer Wells – the wife of Dan was so helpful even if she has no technical expertise in the preparation of the master plan. She did well in the compilation of our final presentation report. I appreciated on the way she talks and elaborates point of discussion very clearly.

Dave Onstad – my roommate who always assured me that my snoring didn’t bother him. As an experienced Electrical Engineer he knew very well how to fit in the electrical power requirements of the project with the existing utilities and facilities in the site.

Jackie Branberg – the Aquaponics volunteer who shared her heart and concern to the needs of the so many children in Cambodia. She was so good in helping the team prepare the its final PowerPoint presentation.

Todd Dee Futhey – an Aquaponics expert from Florida, USA, who amazed us with his devotion and boldness to share the gospel to others wherever he went. Most of the group appreciated his resourcefulness and loved to listen to his testimonies of faith.

Sophal – our Cambodian driver and interpreter. He was so very kind and humble. He was our connection to the Khmer community where we cannot do more of sign language. With him around, we were comfortable to ask him interpret what we would like to communicate with the locals.

Most of us have only known each other for the first time when we met at the 9 Dragon Hotel at Phnom Penh, Cambodia. But God was so good and gracious for giving us an understanding spirit. From day 1 up to the moment we finished our presentation to the Remember Nhu Ministry Representative, the team worked together trying their best to accomplish each others’ task so that we could come up with a better and comprehensive presentation of the project. We could not have finished working together the way we did apart from the direction and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

The Manila - Ho Chi Min - Phnom Phen Route

My angel from HCM to PP

My first trip to Cambodia was full of excitement and surprises. Months before I traveled I received God's assurance that He will be with me all the way. And indeed in every step of my way, His provision and guidance was so wonderful beyond my human mind could imagine.

I contacted a friend who is based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and I also did a lot of research in the net on how to get to Cambodia via Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. As I sat in the NAIA terminal together with other passengers, one thing I realized in my notes was that I needed someone to help me in order to avoid communication breakdown both with the Vietnamese and the Cambodians.

While waiting for our flight schedule at the NAIA terminal, I scouted from among the passengers bound for Ho Chi Minh if I could find one who can assist me in my travel up to Phnom Penh. I noticed that the passengers were busy on their own that I found it awkward to ask for help or assistance.

So, I prayed again, “Lord, I entrust to You my trip to Cambodia.”

As we boarded the plane at around 11:30PM, I saw this young man walking beside me and I casually asked him where his destination was. He politely told me that he’s going to Cambodia. After that we went to our assigned seats.

When we landed at the Ho Chi Minh International Airport in Vietnam at around 1AM (Vietnam Time is an hour behind the Philippines) we were greeted with taxi drivers offering to take us downtown for about US$20.  I looked around for another offer as I read in the various reviews that the reasonable charge from HCM airport to the downtown area should only be around US$6-US$7. As I turned around to look for another offer, I again met the young man (his name is Chris) whom I asked earlier in our flight.

At the center is Chris-- my angel from HCM Airport to the Bus Terminal and the other guy is the Indonesian guy who offered to change our US$ to Vietnamese Dong
So, I asked him if we could go ride together in a taxi and share the charge. He advised that we stay and leave by 5:30AM because it was still too early to go to the bus terminal. As we chatted together, an Indonesian national joined us and was the one who offered to exchange our dollar to Vietnamese Dong so that we can pay Dong to the taxi driver instead of US$.

Silently, I thanked God for providing me these two gentlemen. We left the airport together at 5:30AM up to the bus terminal and then we parted our ways. The Indonesian went to look for a hotel and Chris went to ride another bus company.

I bought a bus ticket and left HCM at exactly 7AM with no other familiar face anywhere. I noticed that the roaming TM number I brought did not work in Vietnam. Deep in my thoughts I wonder how I could communicate with my friend in Phnom Penh. I ventured to chat with my seat mate if he can understand and speak English. And God provided me a seat mate who was able to communicate with me and even lend me his cell phone so that I could contact my friend in Phnom Penh.

God is so good!... and His provision is boundless. Until now, I kept on thanking and praising God for the wonderful ways He did in ordering every step of my way on my first trip to Cambodia.